Wednesday 14 August 2013

Day 10 - Wind Down

Today I had hoped to get a full day in.  The weather, however, had other ideas.  At 33 Celsius, we decided it would be too hot to actually try to do anything.  We resolved to barricade ourselves in the comfort and safety of Kyles air conditioned appartment.  This at least gave me some free time to sort out a few things like making sure my bags are packed (except for a few supplies I will need today/tomorrow and checking in online)

Eventually, we succumbed to hunger and ventured out inn search of food.  Given the conditions, every time I stepped in to the sunlight I pictured a "Mass Effect" style "Shield Overload" warning (think the Tali rescue mission in ME2 - I'm such a nerd!).

The search for food at least proved to be a useful opportunity for Kyle to point out a local shrine he recently discovered.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, he's lived here for a year and only just noticed it!

The plan for lunch was to sample a rare delicacy, tomato ramen.  This unique dish is available at only 1 local restaurant.  As usual, the best laid plans of mice and men etc... They were out of tomato.  While this was a little disappointing, we were able to order some Saitama style food - I'm really going to miss this in the UK.

Lunch taken care of, we stopped off to do a little more shopping.  Among other things, I procured a bottle of locally produced sake (local - even down to the rice used in its production!) and a plush Nekobasu (catbus).

On the way back, I decided to take a photo of the local "Sunkus" convenience store.  Look at the logo and tell me what you think it looks like - what were they thinking?
That which has been seen, cannot be unseen!
Bags are packed and everything is ready for my return.  I'm still amazed that it's passed by this quickly but this has been a very eventful and enjoyable trip.  There was less idle time than last years trip and I managed to see more (even though this was a day shorter).  With the number of omamori I picked up this trip, my plane is going to be a flying good luck shrine!

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